Hayreddin series

The story of Hayreddin series and the actors



Hayreddin’s new Turkish historical series for Tolghan Saysman. To be a new historical and autobiographical story about Hayreddin. Let’s find out more exclusive information about the series Hayreddin, its heroes, when it will be shown on small screens and when it will be shown.

Hayreddin series

It was agreed on a new historical series called “Hayreddin”, and it is one of the historical series that the Turkish actor, star of the Turkish drama, “Tolghan Saysman” agreed to work on.

The Turkish series Hayreddin will be shown on TRT1.

Hayreddin’s story

The story of our new series revolves around “Hayreddin” or as they call him Hayreddin Pasha El Bahri or Barbaros Pasha. He is a naval fighter and later an admiral in the Ottoman Navy. His naval victories secured Ottoman control of the White Sea in the mid-16th century.

Born on Lesbos, Hayreddin began his career as a sailor and naval fighter under the watchful eye of his first brother, Oruj Reis. In 1516, the two brothers liberated the state of the Republic of Algeria from Spanish conquest, and Arouj declared himself a sultan. After Aruj’s death in 1518, Hayreddin inherited his brother’s surname, “Barbarossa” (red-bearded in Italian). He also received the honorary name “Hayreddin”. In 1529, Barbarossa recaptured the fortress of the Rock from the Spaniards.

In 1533, Barbarossa Kapudan Pasha (chief admiral) of the Ottoman Navy was appointed by Suleiman the Magnificent. Barbarossa led the consulate in the state of the French Republic in the same year, and conquered Tunisia in 1534, and achieved a decisive victory over the sacred relationship in Baruza in 1538, and stood on his feet in joint campaigns with the French in the 1640s. Barbarossa stopped his work in Constantinople in 1545 and died the following year.

Names of the heroes of the series Hayreddin

The list is not complete yet, as the series is currently under construction. Actor Tolghan has been hired to star in the series.

Our star is considered one of the artistically active actors, as he does not leave an empty year without a new series. His last work was the hero series. Our star is the artist Tolgahan Sayishman who has outstanding talent and beauty since his appearance on screen, he was amazing, he has a genius, he has a huge fan base all over the world everyone saw him as one of the rising stars, he quickly became a real big star, known for all his works.

Hayreddin series show date

The work will inevitably be shown in the next season of TRT1 after the start of filming and the completion of preparations.

The name of the hero of the series Hayreddin

The official name of the protagonist of our tale is “Hayreddin”, played by the actor “Tolgahan Saysman”. Tolghan is a great artist with talent and a mighty beauty, who has a large fan base around the world, since his first moments in front of the screens, and everyone considered him a rising star. Istanbul, Turkey, his astrological sign is Capricorn, his mother Aisha Saysman is from Trabzon, and his father Haluk Saysman is from Turkey, he received his high school diploma from Kadıköy International School and completed his university studies at Doğuş Üniversitesi Business School.

The name of the heroine of the series Hayreddin

The heroine of the series, Hayreddin, has not yet been agreed.