Serra Aritürk and her lover

Serra Aritürk, religion, boyfriend information about her



Serra Aritürk,

actress of distinctive Turkish beauty. We see her in Turkish drama with lightness and simplicity, she adores her at first sight in terms of beauty, elegance, strong presence and great talent. Let’s get to know more about Serra Aritürk through the following article.

Who is Serra Aritürk?

Serra Aritürk, one of Turkey’s rising stars, made her debut in just two works. And the beginning was in 2018. Through the “Youth Stage – Genç sahne” program. And it appeared in its first season. A music program that enables talented young musicians to make their voices heard all over Turkey.

It is a unit where the alumni of the Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Theater School will study and exhibit. Alumni of the Kocaeli Metropolitan Municipality Theater School can continue their work at Genç Sahne.

Serra Aritürk was born on the 22nd of June 1998 in Istanbul. She learned to play guitar at the age of seven and had the opportunity to develop in music by going to several concerts with the support of his family. Serra Aritürk, who received her elder education in playing guitar from Hüsrev İsfendiyaroğlu, got into singing from the end of the school. Serra Aritürk the name, who started participating in BoJazz Choir after singing. He left because of school and continued with his education.

The Religion of Serra Aritürk

Her religion is probably Islam. We recall that the artist’s first work is Sera. The occurrence of the series “Wasaf Hob” differs from Kader’s previous roles. In the promotional advertisement, a young man from a remote, middle-class neighborhood named “Folat” appeared because he was about to marry a girl. Love story: On the day of the wedding, Kadeer was high and took his sweetheart, the bride, from the place he was preparing. I found a letter from her telling him that she would leave him to dream. Suddenly, the girl appeared on a TV show and talked about leaving her future boyfriend, which only added to his anger. He left his hometown and moved to a restaurant as a chef. There, he met a girl who became stubborn together to keep her place in this place so that they could love each other. Will this young man’s problem end, or will the story and event evolve?

Serra Aritürk and her lover

Not related to anyone, Serra Aritürk was born in Istanbul on June 22, 1998. He got acquainted with the guitar at the age of seven and had the opportunity to participate in several concerts with the support of his family, thus developing the music. Serra Arıtürk received the greatest guitar instruction from Hssrev İsfendiyaroğlu, and started singing after graduating from school. After singing, he began to participate in the Bogazici jazz choir, left school because of school and continued his studies.

We mention that Sera participated in the series “Wasaf Al Hob” series, which is her first work. The series “Wassef Hob” differs from Kader’s previous roles, as he plays a young man named “Furat” from a remote, middle-class region who appeared in a promotional advertisement in preparation for his story of his subsequent love for marriage with a girl. … but he was surprised by her message and asked him to leave him to fulfill his dream, and suddenly the girl appeared in a TV program talking about leaving her boyfriend in the future, which angered him even more. He left his hometown and moved to a restaurant as a chef. There, he met a girl who had become stubborn to keep her place in this place until they succeeded. Will this young man’s problem end, or will the stories and events develop?

Serra Aritürk
Serra Aritürk
Serra Aritürk and her lover
Serra Aritürk and her lover