Nazli pinar kaya religion

Nazli pinar kaya religion, boyfriend and husband TV series and biography




Nazli pinar kaya,

her religion, nationality, birth, upbringing, age, life story, artistic career, series, movies, the young artist Nazli pinar kaya was able to draw the attention of the public and critics to her because of her spontaneity in acting, as well as for her wit and her overwhelming presence And her charming view on the screens, and the audience was interested in getting to know more about the young artist, so today we offer you important information about the beautiful Nazli Pinar, and we will show a group of pictures that were recently taken of her.

Nazli pinar kaya religion

Information on Nazli pinar kayaDate of birth: November 16, 1992
Place of birth: Istanbul, Turkey
Age: 28 years old
Astrological Sign: Scorpio
Profession: a young actress
Nationality: Turkish
Religion: Muslim
The most important works of art: the Turkish series The Sea in My Heart
The beginning of the artistic career: 2013 in small roles
Close friend: Cagri Buyukyar
Artistic age: 7 years old and still working in the field of acting.
Popularity name with which she is best known: Vigan, named after her role in the series The Sea in My Heart.

Nazli pinar kaya childhood and her life story

The young artist Nazli pinar kaya enjoys a great aspect of beauty and tenderness, she has beautiful, attractive and delicate features, her pure white skin and brown eyes with brown hair that gives her a natural beauty, Nazli pinar kaya is about 160 cm in length, weighs 46 kg, and is characterized by gracefulness And consistency.

Nazli pinar kaya actingNazli pinar kaya began her artistic career in 2013 when she was 21 years old, and despite her young age, she managed to draw the attention of the public. producers and critics to her. due to her distinctive talent. presence and ability to perform various roles. and Nazli participated in many Turkish series such as The Bride Small. volunteer orphans. endless love.

The turning point in Nazli pinar kaya’s career was her role in the series “The Sea in My Heart”. as she presented the role of Vigan. and she starred in providing this role. and she even associated her name in the minds of the audience with the name Vigan.

Nazli pinar kay
Nazli pinar kay

Co-starring Nazli pinar kaya artworksDespite her young age. and although her artistic career did not exceed 7 years. Nazli pinar kaya’s talent enabled her to participate in many successful Turkish series. along with many of the top Turkish drama stars. and perhaps one of the most famous series that she co-starred in Nazli pinar kaya the following:

The Little Bride series.
Orphan volunteer series.
Sea series that is in my heart.
Beyond the Clouds series.
The series mentions the Book of Revelation.
The series of love has no end.

The turning point in Nazli pinar kaya’s careerAfter Nazli Pinar Kaya presented many small roles. and she had the opportunity to play the role of Vegan in the series The Sea in My Heart. which was produced and shown in 2016. the Turkish series revolves around the Deniz family who lives a happy life with a loving husband. and they have two children. Suddenly. happiness turns upside down as a result of the sudden disappearance of the husband. so Deniz lives in a state of fear and anxiety and begins the search for her husband, only to discover that he left her to marry a young girl.

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