Ferdi Sancar wife religion TV series and biography



who is Ferdi Sancar?

Date of birth: March 24. 1980
Current age: 40 years
His astrological sign: Aries
Place of birth: Istanbul – Turkey
Religion Muslim
Nationality: He holds Turkish citizenship
Profession: Turkish actor
Height: 180 cm
Weight: 83 cm
Father’s name: Sangaroglu
Mother’s name: Lilian Atan
Academic degree: Higher Institute of Arts. Bosphorus University. Istanbul. Turkey.
Marital status Single
Hair color: black
Eye color: Hazel
Hobbies: swimming. fishing. and watching soccer matches
Years of Practice: 2009 to date.


who is Ferdi Sancar?

Ferdi Sancar’s Personal Life

The Turkish light-hearted actor Ferdi Sancar was born on the twenty-fourth of March of the year one thousand nine hundred and eighty-one from a Turkish father and an Italian mother in the province of Agadir. Turkey. He received his primary and preparatory studies at the Kutahya Language School and was well-versed in the English language from a young age.

Along with his mother’s eagerness to teach him the Italian language. A lover of music. literature and reading poetry from a young age and his parents noticed his love to shine like the stars of Turkey in that period of time. So he often stood in front of women.

Brushing his hair and adjusting his clothes to appear like movie stars. Verdi passed high school and then wanted to support his talent by studying at university. so he quickly applied to the Higher Institute of Arts Attaché at the Bosphorus University in Istanbul and in the three years of study. he participated in a very large number of artistic sketches on the university theater.

most of the faculty members predicted for him a promising future in the sky of Turkish drama. and after effort and effort. he graduated from the Higher Institute of Arts with a high general grade and he is in his heart attending All his energies to reach the ladder of stardom and set himself a plan that he works to implement with steady steps. determination and diligence.

Ferdi Sancar’s career begins

He started his life as a model for special advertisements for hair products. as he has thick hair in addition to his intense handsomeness that attracted directors and during the filming of one of the ads as usual. There was a famous Turkish director present in the filming area and his eyes fell on Ferdi Sancar but decided to get to know him to surprise him with an attractive offer to participate in the series A wreath in 2009.

Which revolves around a girl named Sahar. Who works in the field of journalism. and she is only 25 years old. and as part of her press campaign. she defends the rights of young people. As the events pass. she is threatened and her personal and professional life goes through many conflicts and is kidnapped by a mafia man who had previously spoken About him in a press report. played by the artist Kenan Ameerzali.

Her lover who works as a police inspector is looking for her. and the artist Ferdi Sancar. in turn. was able to find her. after many attempts he was able to find her. But she was shot by a gang member and was immediately transferred to the hospital and underwent a delicate heart surgery She almost ended her life. but in a miraculous way.

With her parents’ calls to return to life again. Despite the crisis she was exposed to. She insisted on completing his goal Exposing the matter of these evil people. But this time with the help of her beloved police inspector. Where he was able to arrest them and were honored. The work was shared by the young star Tuba Buyukston, Basak Teraz, Klenvar Khatun and an elite of Turkish drama stars. This series is considered the starting point and artistic transformation in Ferdi Sancar’s history.

The most important works of Ferdi Sancar

Ferdi Sancar participated in several Turkish series later. He participated in the straight man series in 2011. and the story of the series revolved around a poor driver called Verdi who lives with his grandfather orphan parents from childhood and his grandfather and he took care of him and raised him.

The grandfather has an old taxi that he gave to his grandson Verdi who works on it as a driver and as usual The life of taxi drivers Verdy is exposed to many situations during his work as a driver. Sometimes he meets a customer who does not want to pay the fare.

At other times he meets a customer who is in fact a criminal and outside the law and uses taxis to disguise and events pass until Verdy meets a girl from Bulgaria called Tiana and the Bulgarian girl is distinguished With the enchanting European beauty.

Verde immediately admires the girl and falls in love with her. The girl exploits her love and tells him that she suffers from a severe financial crisis and needs an amount of one hundred thousand dollars. so he decides to help her in obtaining the amount. Whatever the method of obtaining it.

When his grandfather knows about this. He tells him that this girl A fraud and a swindler. and you will not bring him anything but problems and crises. And he does not listen to the advice of his grandfather and decides to continue his journey that began towards obtaining the money and helping Tatiana in He fell into a lot of comedic situations that draw laughter on the faces of the viewers.

TV series

He also participated in other distinguished works such as the distinguished series “Until the death”. Which was shown on January 12. 2017 and tells his story about the young doctor. “Dahan”. who dreamed since his childhood that He becomes a doctor. treats the poor and the needy. and performs his medical mission to the fullest.

but suddenly finds himself accused of a crime he did not commit. as he was accused of killing the father of his sweetheart with a plot by another young man who loves the same girl and works to get rid of him to win her love.

So he is punished with life imprisonment. Which frustrates him and affects his psychological state. In a state of depression and he tries to commit suicide several times. And after a while he gets to know a young lawyer who helps him get out of prison through numerous attempts to prove his innocence.

Events develop with his admiration for the young lawyer and telling her the truth of his feelings. He also participated in the series “Colors”. Which revolves around a young man and a girl of young age who fall into They love each other, and they pledge to share life. so the girl meets with her family’s objection to her love story for this young man. as she is from a rich family.

While the young man is from a poor family. so his father is a simple employee and his mother is a housewife. But she Beah is on the struggle and takes responsibility. and he meets the girl’s father and tries to convince him to leave his daughter and get out of her life in exchange for a sum of money.

But the young man refuses with dignity and pride and tells him that he loves his daughter for her person and not for her money. so the girl’s father gets angry with him and promises him and the young man leaves the girl’s father in his threat and promises and tells the girl about the interview that It was between him and her father and the girl declares her adherence to him no matter what crises she faces. the series is a romantic drama written by Abru Hokoglu and directed by Karim Kiiroglu and the series was shown in 2016.