The story of Pera Palas actors and the time of the show


A full report on the new Turkish series Pera Palas, and a lot of information about the series, its story, its participating heroes, information about them, the show’s dates, the channel showing it, and other details with a set of photos of the series and its hero.

Pera Palas

The Pera Palas series

It is a new Turkish series called Pera Palas in Turkish, which is taken from the novel “Midnight in Pera Palace” by the great writer Charles King, who won an award for this novel, the Pera Palas series written by Emre Shaheen, Sarah Yetherby and Kelly Macpherson and produced Elif Othman, and the series will be filmed at Red Arrow Studios “Karga Seven Pictures”.

Show dates for the Pera Palas series and its channel

The Pera Palas series will be showing on Netflix soon.

The story of the Pera Palas series

Pera Palas is an exciting and interesting series of events in which there are mysterious and exciting events. The series Pera Palas is set in the interim period, and the period of transition to the Republic.

His story is inside a famous hotel in Turkey in ancient times and was named PERA PALACE, where a journalist named Sarah, embodied by the Turkish artist Hazal Kaya, was assigned to visit this hotel and stay in it temporarily to prepare the political events in which she performs these works temporarily and discovered the journalist at the site Moustafa.

The journalist meets a mysterious person named Bhalit, who is the owner of a club in Istanbul, and the rest of the series takes place in a very interesting and entertaining drama.

Actors in the series Pera Palace

Hazel Kaya
– Ilker Kaleli
Ali Atay
They are currently selected by the work team.

Who is the actress Hazal Kaya, the heroine of the Qasra Pera series

The rising Turkish actress Hazal Kaya in the series Pera Palas has the absolute lead role and the series embodies the personality of the journalist Sarah who goes to the hotel to find out the political plots inside it, Hazal Kaya is a Turkish artist and model, born in 1990 Istanbul, Turkey, and her real name is Hazal Kaya, Hazal Kaya, from a family belonging to the highest class in Hazal Kaya, studied in a high school in Istanbul and her father works in the profession of ordeal, but they prayed from each other long ago when she was 7 years old
She entered the art world since her childhood, so Hazal Kaya took lessons in ballet and violin. She also learned tango dancing and worked on developing her profession.

She entered the world of art in acting since 2006 and is popular in the Arab world with the name of Nihal in the series “Al-Ashq Al-Forbidden” and the name of Freiha in the series Fariha. Her first dramatic work was the series “Ginko” (The Lost Dream), during which she got one of the main roles Her work is also the most popular and successful series, “Hekayatna”, and presented the character Velez, and the series achieved great success and a high viewership in Turkey and the Arab world.

About the personal life of the artist Hazal Kaya, she is married to the Turkish artist Ali Atay since 2019 and had a baby with him.

Join Ali Atay

He joined the cast of actors. He is a Turkish actor, musician, screenwriter and director. He was born in 1976 in Rize, Turkey. The artist and director Ali Atay graduated from Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts, theater department / artist Ali Atay entered the world of art and acting in 1998 through the Turkish series Spring The second and then the number seven series was presented, then its successful and varied drama series, whose number has reached now to about 15 drama series so far, of which the most famous and successful series are such as the series Sinaralti – the Çeşm-i Bülbül series – and the Simil series – and the series A Favorable Moment – And I Say No – Yum Al Saif – Laila Wa Maknoun – The series I Miss You Also, Be Happy, and Al Baraa.

As for his work as a director, in 2014 he presented his first work as a director, the film Limonata, starring Demet Evgar, then presented Serkan Keskin and Ertan Saban as director and screenwriter / As for his films as a Turkish actor, he participated in his first cinematic work, and it was a Turkish film entitled Late Very now – and after that he presented the movie Swallow – and a bag movie – and a movie He is Prisoner Now – Good Years London, and then his various cinematic works, which now number about 19, were presented.

In addition to acting, the artist Ali Atay participated in many musical and singing artworks, which reached about 25 songs / artist Ali Atay won 90 Academy Awards, Ayla in Turkey, and on the other hand, Ali Atay participates in filming a new Turkish series entitled Summer. The last one and will be shown soon on Turkish screens.

About the personal and family life of the artist Ali Atay, he married twice, the first marriage was to the Turkish artist Ebru Kansiz in 2008 and separated from her through divorce in 2013, and the second marriage was in 2019 from the Turkish artist Hazal Kaya and he gave birth to her only son, who is also the artist who She co-stars in the Pera Palas series.

Turkish artist Ilker Kaleli

He is a Turkish artist and actor, his Turkish name is ilker kaleli. He was born in 1984 in Istanbul, Turkey. He graduated from Istanbul Kultur University of Arts Administration / He also studied acting at the acting school of the London Academy of Music and Performing Arts (LAMDA) and also joined the Studio Players Association to take intensive acting lessons .

He entered the world of acting since 2012 until now and presented his first drama series, which was the series The Mystery of the Past – and after that he participated in the Lost City series – The Missing Series – and the Poyraz Karayel series, which is one of the most famous and successful of his dramas, which was the main reason for his fame. In Turkey and after him, he presented the absolute starring role in the Al-Qaa series – and the Al-Muallem series – and the Selsa movie
In addition to acting, the artist Ilker Kaleli participated in singing in some of his artistic works, which he presented because he was distinguished by his beautiful and sweet voice in singing.