The story of seni çok bekledim – waiting for you a lot


The story of seni çok bekledim , and the dates of its showing waiting for you a lot

The series is waiting for you a lot, to all the fans and lovers of the Turkish drama, we have collected for you a full report about the new Turkish series, I am waiting for you a lot, complete information about the series, its story, its show times, the channels presenting the series, information about its participating heroes, and many other details and a group of pictures of the series. Pictures of his heroes.

Series waited for you a lot and information about it

Series name: I Waited Too Much for You, seni çok bekledim
The series is produced by: Scala Media
Genre: romance
The names of the heroes of the series are waiting for you a lot
Özcan Deniz
Burcu Özberk
Caner Şahin / Kaner Shaheen
İrem Helvacıoğlu / Erim Helvasioglu
Ilhan Şen / Ilhan Sen

Show dates of the series awaited you a lot and the occasional channels

seni çok bekledim The series Waiting For You is expected to be shown in Turkey next September 2020 as a summer series to compete strongly with the rest of the new Turkish series that will soon be shown on Turkish screens, and will be shown on the Turkish Star TV group.

The series story is waiting for you a lot

Although there is not much news about the story of the series, I am waiting for you a lot, but it is said that it is a first-class romantic series and in it there are many different feelings of love, separation, trauma and various conflicts between its heroes. Most Turkish series are distinguished in their events and their story to the presence of the side More emotional and romantic in its series, which made the Turkish series a special character in the drama and has a large and wide audience in Turkey and various other countries who love and watch Turkish series.

Information about the heroes of the series waiting for you a lot

Turkish actor Ozkan Deniz

He is a Turkish actor, singer, writer, director, and composer, born in 1972 in the city of Ankara, Turkey, and he comes from a family of Kurdish origin, and his brother is the well-known Kurdish singer, Shakero. He began to practice his talent for acting in high school so he participated in school plays and used to write some plays By himself, because he had the talent of writing and writing from a young age, in addition to attending local amateur theater clubs.
In 1985, he participated in his first musical work through an orchestra in Aydin, and in 1988 he and his family moved to live in Istanbul, Turkey, and his artistic career began in 1992.

And in 1998, actor Ozkan Deniz traveled to Germany to pursue and study music. He was discovered as a singer and composer by the band My, who are producers in Munich, and he released his first album entitled Sea The Crying You Me in Germany. In 1994 he released the album Another entitled, White Butterfly, and the album achieved great success and the actor Ozkan became well-known and famous as a singer, and after that he released another album in 1997 entitled Angel Lie Is.

In 1999, after completing his military service, actor Ozkan appeared in the movie “Tell him I love you”, and in the same year he released another album entitled Is Lie.
In 2002, an outstanding Turkish actor co-wrote and starred in the popular Turkish series Askin Gezer Dağer
And in 2011, he participated in directing and writing the script for the Turkish film Ya Later, and during his artistic career, he presented many works of series, films and singing albums, and became a distinguished and very famous star in Turkey.

Actress burcu ozberk

She is a Turkish actress, born in 1989 in the city of Eskişehir in Turkey, and she is from a Muslim family, and her mother is called Dilk Yıldızlar
Her artistic career began in 2012, through the famous Turkish series Harem of the Sultan, in which she embodied the character of Sultana Hori Jehan, daughter of Sultana Khadija and Minister Ibrahim Pasha Al-Barghli in the series.

The series achieved great success in Turkey and the Arab world, and through it it gained wide fame and successes continued after this series and won the championship in successive roles and participated in a group of successful series which is the series Girls of the Sun – Aslan Family – Luxury Love – The Wonderful Groom .

Turkish actor caner şahin

The Turkish actor Kaner Sahin was born in 1992 in the city of Eskişehir in Turkey, and he has two brothers older than him. As for his father and mother, they were teaching and currently in the period of retirement and pension. The actor Kaner Sahin joined Istanbul Technical University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, but he did not complete his studies there And he left her to join the State Institute, Department of Theater.

In 2016, he appeared for the first time through the Turkish series Abi and his family, and after that he participated in the Asir series and also the brothers series and the series Lahth, and in 2019 he participated in the crow series, the actor Kanner Shaheen in 2018 received the Best Actor award during the 25th Adana International Film Festival .

Actress İrem Helvacıoğlu

She is a Turkish actress and actress, born in 1990 in Germany, her nationality is German, but she is currently living in Turkey. Actress Erim Helvasioglu wanted to become a star and famous in the world of art and acting. She joined the Majdat Ghizen Center for Arts to teach and study acting and appeared for the first time in a work of art. It was through the Ankara Police series in 2010.

I got the title role in the series The Great Century, and it was in 2012, and then I participated in the series Valley of the Wolves and the series Girls of the Sun in 2016, but in 2017 I participated in the series No. 309 and the movie Father cinema, and in 2019 I participated in the series Tell the Black Sea Tell Black Sea, and her last movie role in the movie was Plato.


He is a Turkish actor, born in 1987 in Bulgaria and he is a Muslim by religion, and when he was 2 years old, the Han Sen moved with his family to live in Turkey and received his education in Turkey from Istanbul schools, then he joined the undergraduate level at Yildiz Technical University, Department of Higher Civil Engineering
And in 2008 he participated in the best model competition in Turkey, but he could not get the first place, and a year later he returned to participate again in the same competition, but this time he managed to get the first place in the competition and became better.
The story of seni çok bekledim , and the dates of its showing - waiting for you a lot