Information about Biran Damla Yılmaz secrets and facts about it


Full information about Biran Damla Yılmaz and her life story, her personal card, Biran Damla Yılmaz’s works and upcoming projects, her upbringing and family, her marriage, many secrets about her life that she knows for the first time, her talent and works she loves to do, her favorite food and her ideal of acting, and a new photo album of her.

Information on Biran Damla Yılmaz

Date of birth: June 28, 1997.
Place of birth: I was born in Istanbul, Turkey.
Nationality: Turkish.
Piran Damla Yilmaz religion: Muslim.
Biran Damla Yılmaz and her husband: Married.
Weight: 56 kg.
Height: 175 cm.
Hair color: brown.
Eye color: Hazel.
Astrological Sign: Cancer.
Academic qualification – academic: I graduated from the conservatory.
She began her career as an actress: She started her career as an actress in 2013.

Biran Damla Yılmaz

Secrets and Life Story of Biran Damla Yılmaz and Biography

Biran Damla Yılmaz started acting at the age of 16 in 2013. Her parents are separated. she lives with her mother and stepfather. And she has a younger sister.

Biran Damla Yılmaz was born in Istanbul on June 28. 1997. her parents separated when she was young. She lived with her mother and husband. and she also has a younger sister. and she started acting at the age of six in 2013 AD through the role of Asma in the series Al-Mamunoua. From 750,000 followers on Instagram.

Biran Damla Yılmaz in Baraj

The Turkish Baraj series is being prepared for it by Med yapım. and the negotiations with the heroes of the series and actress Nabhat Chihri were the first to join the series’ Cast and interviews with Karam Bursin for the men’s tournament of the series Baraj alongside Biran Damla Yilmaz. And meetings with Sarhat Kilic to join. adapted from a movie yourself. and Beran will embody the role of Esal. and if Karmaw Engin Akyurek agrees. he will play the role of Orhan. and if he agrees. Serhat will play the role of Nazem. After her initial acceptance of the actress. Nbhaat is defaming her for the work. and after reading her work scenario. she rejected it because she did not like it.

The story revolves around a foreman who works in building a dam who falls in love with Essel. the most beautiful girl in the local brothel. Nazem is ashamed to identify her as her organizer sends love letters and signs in the name of Orhan. an employee and a man who does not have many tricks. When Essel arrives at the construction site. the deception does not last long. It all ends in marriage only. this is not the end yet.

“Engin Akurek” was offered the starring role in the series “Baraj” and he accepted it. despite the fact that several months ago they said that he refused the title role. but today they confirmed his acceptance of the role that if the Turkish actress “Burho Birjik” agrees to share the championship. but the case of Controversy was sparked by this series due to the refusal of a number of stars to co-star in it.

Film and television works by actress Biran Damla Yılmaz

The Turkish actress Biran Damla Yılmaz participated in the movie “Miracle 2”. and embodies the role of “Mazeghin”. The wife of the disabled man. “Aziz”. its events take place in a social context. and it is written and directed by Mohsun Qarmzegul.

Azhar series

She also participated in the series “Sad Flowers” in Turkish: Kırgın Çiçekler is a Turkish series that premiered on June 29. 2015 on the Turkish ITV channel. and tells about the story of girls living in the Kocho Yulu orphanage in Istanbul. Each girl has a story that she delivered to the orphanage and the girls are “Eul” and “ Kadar. “Miral”. “Jimery” and “Songul” and the series began with the story of September and how I went to the orphanage. and from there begins the stories of the rest of the girls. and this series won a lot of fame in Turkey and all over the Arab world.

The events of the September series

The events of the September series revolve around a young girl at the age of 16. Who lost her father when she was 11 years old. She lives with her younger sister “Bushra”. her mother “Masouda” and her stepfather “Kamal”. But she always complained to her mother about Kamal’s harassment of her. But the mother do not believe her and think that she wants to differentiate between her and her husband. And during this period her mother was pregnant with Kamal. So she placed September in the orphanage under the pretext that she would not be able to take care of her with her younger sister and the child who came on the way with the complaints of September

September lives in a room in the orphanage with 3 girls. namely: “Kadar”. “Songul” and “Miral” who were brought up in the orphanage. and later comes “Jimery”. so they become stronger than the sisters for each other, and they stand and help each other. Especially during adversity, and Kamal continues harassing September until After putting them in the orphanage and trying the girls and helping the principal “Farida” to protect September and themselves from it. This orphanage is located in an area full of the rich. and they studied in a private school in that area through a scholarship. Which leads the students to ridicule them for being poor and orphans. and each one of them finds her lover In this school.

Ceylan in the series My Heart Canevim

Biran Damla Yılmaz (Biran Damla Yılmaz). The heroine of the new drama series entitled Canevim. Produced by the production company Koliba Film. Which is currently shown on the atv channel. In the house of a very rich family. the housewife is Firyal and she has a very spoiled son. Gilan brings her a story of love and affection with Omar. Who is embodied by the young actor Aras Eden. Who works in the construction field. is modest and he is an orphan of parents and madly in love with Gilan, and they were planning to marry after love story.

Biran Damla Yılmaz movies. TV shows and plays

2013 Forbidden
2015 Harem of Sultansad flowers September
2015 Nisreen White LiesThe 4th Coolest School Al Jazeera
2019 The Spirit of Betty Ceylan.

Biran Damla Yılmaz Boyfriend and Personal Life

Biran Damla Yılmaz is a talented young actress from Istanbul. Born on June 28. 1997. her astrological sign is Cancer. The color of eyes is hazel. Weighing 56 kg. and her height is 175 cm. She showed her talent early. When she was at the age of ten. and her parents helped her to develop Her musical and acting talents. She started acting in 2013 CE. studying at the Institute of Music. Her most important roles in the series “Sad Flowers”.

Information about Biran Damla Yılmaz