Ahsen Eroğlu new series

Ahsen Eroğlu new series movies and tv shows



actress Ahsen Eroğlu

The most important works of the Turkish actress Ihsan Ayroglu
She made her first role in the famous Turkish series “The Magnificent Century”, known in the Arabic version as “The Sultan’s Harem” in 2015, and the series is a successful and consecutive series of four parts that met with great success in Turkey, as it depicts the life of Sultan Suleiman the Magnificent.

Some critics believe that it is not a true story but rather ideas inspired by the writer’s imagination, and this is what made him subject to criticism.
Some complaints were raised against him because he falsifies history, but he found remarkable success, especially in Arab countries after it was dubbed into Syria, and embodied the benevolence of the role of Maliki Hatton in partnership with a group A large number of Turkish actors and actresses.

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The series “Bride of Istanbul” in 2017, is a Turkish drama series with 87 episodes representing the love story in Istanbul between Farouk and Soraya Al-Ahsa at work, and is considered the most followed drama from the Arab audience.
The series revolves around a love story that arises between a young woman, Soraya, from Istanbul, from a simple family, and Faruk, a beautiful young man, one of the largest and richest families in Bursa, and the love between them continues until they try to crown the love by marriage, so events begin in a struggle where Farouk’s father refuses this marriage. In the second part of the series, events and conflicts develop after Farouk marries Soraya, and Soraya discovers that he has a child from his ex-girlfriend called Amir, and without telling her that, then Soraya decides to leave for Prague and Farouk tries to search for her to reconcile, and the events and conflicts follow, but there are some scenes.
The comedy that brings an interesting spirit to the events, the series starring Ozjan Deniz, Asli Enver, Salih Badamji. In 2017, Ihssan embodied the role of Sona in the successful Turkish series “For My Daughters”.

It is a Turkish family-based social drama series that discusses several issues concerning the family and children of all classes.
The events revolve around a big man who has five daughters and always has a dispute with his rebellious wife over the circumstances of life.
The bad thing, so the father carries out some tasks such as washing cars for neighbors and working in a café in order to try to provide money for her and his daughters, despite all these attempts, but they increase in quarrels and disagreements with him, so the father has to borrow an amount of money from a bank, but he is stumbling in the repayment and he is unable to Pay the bank installments.

The events follow until the wife dies and the girls’ hearts become sad, including Sona, whose character the actress embodies, Ihsan, who is a 17-year-old student studying in high school, and tries to study hard to excel, but the events intensify when the father enters prison, and from here the episodes and successive events continue to be shown Which attracts viewers, and it is one of the most important series that deals with social and psychological matters of the family, and it has co-starred with Vikrit Koskan, Evkan Ungurlar, Tovana Torquay, Anil Titik, Olka Duro, Sanim Yelis and others.

In 2019, she presented the series “The Raven”, a revenge social drama series directed by Bahadir Ince, starring Barış Arduk, Ihsan Irulu, Kaner Shaheen, Burko Persic and others, and produced by Kerem Chatari, Belen Deshta Shi. The series revolves around two friends who work together in the police to pursue Drug dealers get rid of their leader, but the criminals try to offer them a big bribe in exchange for some concessions, but one of them strongly refuses, “Youssef”, while the other agrees, “Rifaat”, and then tries to put up with his friend Yusef by fabricating a bribe case for him so that he can then work with the gang And indeed, he succeeds in that, and Yusef goes to prison, and his family lives in a tragic and sad state, until Joseph’s ex-girlfriend appears trying in every way to save him from what he is in, and from here events intensify in an interesting dramatic range.
She also participated in the series “My Mother”, which was a remarkable success, in which she played the role of “Douro”, which is a social series that presents a set of issues concerning the family and children in a dramatic range, and its events revolve around the love story between Zainab and Musa, who marry and did not give birth to the wife,

so Musa tries to betray her in The same day that Zainab discovers that she is pregnant, so she decides to separate and divorce without informing him that she is pregnant and then gives birth to her daughter Najwa. The events begin in a conflict between the teenage girl and her mother and interesting events follow, and the stars Gansu Dere, the child Beren Jokeldez, Sirhan Suman, Julina Kalkan and others.
She also participated in the “Sad Flowers” ​​series, the Al-Colors series, the Black Destiny series, and presented the modern Abel Kabul story series in the role of Zahra.

Ahsen Eroğlu new series

• In 2020, Ihsan participated in a new Turkish series called “Contact My Business Agent”, which will be shown on Turkish channels.

In 2020, I participated in the new Turkish series, contact my agent, which will be shown during the summer of 2020 on Turkish channels
In 2019, I presented the series The Raven – In 2017 I participated in the series Bride of Istanbul and the series For My Girls .
In 2016, she presented the series M – 2015, she appeared in the series The Magnificent Century, as Maliki Hatton, and also the modern series, The Story of Abel Kabul in the role of Zahra .

Actress Ahsen Eroglu as Sona in the series For My Girls

It is a bloody Turkish social series that discusses many families and children’s problems, as it touches many families of all classes, the story of the series revolves around a good-hearted man who is married and has five daughters and is always in a quarrel with his authoritarian and rebellious wife due to his financial distress.

Yassar works in a café and washes cars for his neighbors in the neighborhood in which he resides in order to provide adequate money for the needs of life, and despite this he cannot prevent his wife’s quarrel with him over money and the frequent conflicts and quarrels between them made this affect his daughters who are trying to find a way to get rid of this Permanent disagreements between their mother and their father.

The eldest daughter, Silva, is married and lives far from them. She is the only one less affected by disagreements. Kumru is the second daughter. She is in the final year in medical school and has her own money from her work as a doctor who relies on herself in the tunnels. The third daughter is Soomro, who is also studying at the university and But she escapes from problems by emotional attachment.

About Sona, she is 17 years old and is studying in high school and is trying to escape from family problems through her deep entry into books and study because she takes her older sister as an example and a role model for her, while the younger daughter is more affected by the problems between her parents and with all this the sisters try to They live in a state of joy, even in the worst conditions, and someone performs some situations to make everyone laugh to get rid of the tension surrounding them.

Actress Ahsen Eroglu in the series The Crow

It is a Turkish series of revenge social drama in 2019, and the series is produced by Kerem Chatay – Bilin Dishtaş – and from Bahadir Ince’s Kharaj. And Derya Beşerler and Erdal Küçükkömürcü.
The events of the series revolve around Youssef and Rifaat, two friends who work in the police together, especially the pursuit of drug dealers and the elimination of Seref Dagestan, the leader of this trade. Seref Dagestan offers them a large bribe to make some concessions, but Yusef strongly refuses because he has principles and does not accept bribes.

As for his friend Rifaat, he does not speak, but rather agrees with Seref Dagestan to ambush his friend Yusef and set a bribe for him, and Youssef was arrested and suspended from his profession and was imprisoned as well, and when Youssef enters prison, his wife Maryam and his three children are exposed to many problems and live life Tragic
Della returns from London, the love of his life and his childhood friend, who traveled 20 years ago and studied law there, and she is also the daughter of his enemy and wanted to keep her away from him, but his wife does not know this secret.

And when Della comes and knows what happened to Youssef, she tries to prove his innocence by all possible means. Can she do that and face all the difficulties she faces? This is what the rest of the series shows.