the story of the series Aşk Yonca ve Diğerleri – Love, Yonca and Others


Aşk Yonca ve Diğerleri The story of Yonca who fights for her daughter. Let’s find out more about the series Aşk Yonca ve Diğerleri, who are its heroes, and more about the filming of the series. The new series, Aşk Yonca ve Diğerleri, agreed upon by Turkish drama star Şifanur Gül. Its series will be in 2023. 

the story of the series Aşk Yonca ve Diğerleri - Love, Yonca and Others

What is the story of the series Aşk Yonca ve Diğerleri?

Aşk Yonca ve Diğerleri is the story of a woman named Yonca who has a young daughter who tries to live for her and fight.

Who are the stars of the series Aşk Yonca ve Diğerleri?

Stars of the series Aşk Yonca ve Diğerleri by Bekir Baran (Hayat, Fatih Harbiye, My name is Zahra, We are not innocent, Love by chance). Directed by Jamal Chan (Enough, Hope Cannot Be Constrained, Dream, Phoenix). Starring Shvanurgul. And a huge group of Turkish drama stars are Erkan Avci, Musa Ozunlar.

The protagonists of the Turkish series Younga Love are Alikan Yuseisoy, Sevanor Gul, Ilker Kizmaz, Erkan Avci, Musa Öznlar, Kemal Okar, Asli Samat, Aslihan Kabanshahin, Tuçi Yolko, Neslihan Arslan, Agilia Devrim Yelhan and Hill Soygazy.

What is the date of the series “Aşk Yonca ve Diğerleri”?

Aşk Yonca ve Diğerleri series will be shown in the winter season 2022 and 2023.

What is the show channel for the series Aşk Yonca ve Diğerleri?

The channel that shows the series Aşk Yonca ve Diğerleri is Show TV. The new Show TV series. Which began preparations for it in October 2022 for the show in the coming days.

How many episodes does it have?

The number of episodes of Yunga Love and The Others has not been verified. The Turkish series Aşk Yonca ve Diğerleri will be shown on Show TV. It will be shown in December 2022. The number of its episodes is 15, which may increase according to the percentage of visibility.

Also contributing to the main role is Musa Uzunlar. One of the most beloved and well-known actors in Turkey and loved by viewers is the artist Musa Ozunlar. He was born in Antalya, Turkey, on the twenty-second day of April, in 1959. Therefore, he was born in the sign of Aries. He also holds Turkish citizenship and embraces the Islamic religion. His parents were in When he was young, they wanted him to become a doctor or an engineer when he grew up, except that he had a love for history and archeology. He wanted to study the past, but one day someone found that his passion for the past began to fade, and he settled that he was fond of acting and art, and he loved the theater so strongly that he could walk. Of his friends they called on stage her darling.

Who is the heroine of Yunga Love and the others?

The heroine of Aşk Yonca ve Diğerleri is Şifanur Gül.
She will play the heroine of Aşk Yonca ve Diğerleri, starring Shvanur Gul. Superstar Shivanur Gul is a rising star on her way to glory and success. An actress who found her desire in acting and actually succeeded in attracting the attention of spectators and directors to her as a film actress and television series. She was born in Ankara in 1995. Her astrological sign is Sagittarius. She is 170 cm tall and weighs 53 kg. She graduated from the Department of Dramatic Acting at Ankara University. While she was still in high school, she began receiving her acting education and furthered her education in theater and art schools.

Who is the hero Yunga Love and the others?

Actor Musa Uzunlar and Arkan Evci will star in the lead role. About the main artist of the series is the artist Alikan Yusosui, Alikan Yussoy is a well-known Turkish actor, born in 1982 in the city of Istanbul in Turkey. His father belongs to a family of Arab origin, and his mother’s family belongs to a half Bulgarian and half Turkish family, part of which is a Turkish source who emigrated From Russ Bulgaria and another part of the mother’s family from Partyn. Actor Alikan Yusoysoy received his primary to secondary education from schools in Bursa. During his undergraduate studies, he joined Istanbul Halic University, the theater department. During that stage, Alikan Yusoysoy joined the audition at Bakirkoy Municipal Theatre.