cagdas onur ozturk

cagdas onur ozturk religion, wife, serias biography



Çağdaş Onur Öztürk and many details about him and his life, his date of birth, his current age, nationality, religion, astrological sign, academic qualifications, his wife, and when did the Turkish actor Çağdaş Onur Öztürk start his artistic career with art and acting, and what works did he participate in? And he presented it so far and other details about him and a number of new pictures of the Turkish artist Çağdaş Onur Öztürk.

Çağdaş Onur Öztürk?

Born: August 16, 1979
Age 2022: 43 years
Birthplace: Sivas – Turkey
Nationality: Turkish
Religion Muslim
Astrological sign: Leo
Hair color: black
Eye color: brown
Height: 181 cm
Weight: 75 kg
Academic qualification: Anatolian University Conservatory Theater
Profession: Turkish actor
The beginning of his artistic career: 2008 – until now

Who is Çağdaş Onur Öztürk

Actor Çağdaş Onur Öztürk is one of the stars of Turkish drama and has his name and his distinguished artistic position among other stars and artists. Çağdaş Onur has been fond of art and acting since his childhood, as he was in the primary stage, he thought of taking acting lessons and was attending a drama club, he started Actor Chagdash Onur fulfilled his dream of acting while studying at the university level and appeared on the screen for the first time in 2008 in the series “Ghazi”.

When he participated in the Turkish series Sakarya – Fira, he achieved great success and fame in the artistic community and won wide praise from critics and audiences for his role in the series and his mastery of the character in a professional manner. This made him run for his first absolute championship in 2015 in the series Yaz Story or story Yaz and in 2017, he achieved great artistic success as well when he participated in the starring of the famous Turkish series Ertugrul Resurrection, and among his dramatic works, which also achieved great success, are the series Al-Fana and the series Enemy in My House, the last of which is the Sevmek Zamanı series, which is the last of his artworks presented by the actor Çağdash Onur in 2022.

cagdas onur ozturk son
cagdas onur ozturk son

Movies and series by actor Chagdash Onur


2008 series Truth Line – Veteran Soldier series
In 2009, the Sakarya Furat series
2011 series North South
The year 2013 is a series that does not end like this
2014 series Love Cannot Be Escaped – Dreams and Hopes Series – Take Care of Yourself
2015 series Yaz story
2016 Winter Sun series
2017 Ertugrul Resurrection series
In 2018, the series Al-Fana – Enemy in My House series
2022 series Sevmek Zamanı

cagdas onur ozturks movies

2014 film Take Care of Yourself – Avi Film – Keep Your Promise
2016 movie 5 cases of love

Actor Çağdaş Onur Öztürk and more information about him

Turkish actor Çağdaş Onur Öztürk was born in 1979 in Sivas – Turkey. His origins go back to the father and mother who settled in Turkey. After obtaining his secondary education, he initially joined the Faculty of Engineering, Landscape Department, and after graduating from the university, the actor Çağdaş Onur Öztürk performed his military service. After he finished his military service, he joined Anatolia University, Department of Dramatic Art at the Conservatoire Institute, during which time he participated in theatrical performances on the university stage, which enriched his artistic talent for acting and gave him great self-confidence and lack of fear of facing the public.

Actor Çağdaş Onur Öztürk and his wife and children

Actor Çağdaş Onur Öztürk is married outside the artistic community and has one son, Aden, and lives with his family a happy and stable life.

Çağdaş Onur Öztürk, the hero of the series Sevmek Zamanı

The Sevmek Zamanı series is a new Turkish series called Sevmek Zamanı, which is scheduled to be shown in the summer season of 2022 on the Turkish channel ATV. A group of artists, including Han Sen – Serenay Aktas – Toprak Can Adıgüzel Toprak Kan – Piran Soyesal – Mutalip Moğdiçi – Çağdash Onur Ozturk – Nemet Egon – Onur Gozten – Derya Pinar Ak – Ozan Yigit – Zeynep Omak.

The Sevmek Zamanı series is a dramatic work taken from the story of an old Turkish movie called Sevmek Zamanı, which was shown in Turkey in 1965. The story and events of the Sevmek Zamanı series revolve around a young painter named Khalil

who paints on one of the Turkish islands and displays his pictures in art galleries and Young Khalil used to go to the houses to draw a painting at the request of the homeowners, and on one occasion Khalil was drawing a painting in one of the houses and Khalil found inside this house a picture of a beautiful woma.

Khalil admired the picture greatly, and on one occasion it appeared in front of Khalil’s owner The picture is on nature and appears in front of him and he finds her a beautiful girl and her name is Fairouz and with time and repeated interviews at home, Fairuz admires and loves him and wants to get closer to him, but Khalil does not reciprocate with her the same feeling and all his attention and focus is in his work only so that Fairuz loves him with love On the one hand, and live difficult moments.

Çağdaş Onur Öztürk and the Bunkes series

Bunkis is a short drama series consisting of 15 episodes, and it was shown on one of the Turkish electronic platforms in 2021, and it is directed by Emre Erdogan and written by Deniz Tezosal. She owns her own café and calls it Bonkis Bonkis. After opening the café, Denise faces many problems and difficulties related to her work in the café. Denise enters into a romantic relationship and a love story that brings her together with a person. She also faces a number of problems in her life as a result of her association and work. at the cafe Interesting and enjoyable events continue in the Punkis series.

A group of artists and stars, including Deniz Tezosal, Fildan Atasefer, Sevinc Sergin Devichi, Oyko Naz Altay, Lale Mansour, Muhammedkan Mincinozlu, Çağdaş Onur Öztürk and others, participated in the series “Bunkes”.

cagdas onur ozturk
cagdas onur ozturk