Seyma Korkmaz husband

Seyma Korkmaz husband, religion, age, series

Seyma Korkmaz, the young Turkish actress, her husband and who he is, her religion and whether she is Muslim or Christian, her series and her most prominent roles, she played a unique role in the Beni Affet series, and she is the heroine of the series Forgive me, she participated in many diverse artworks, all the information about her and the beginning of her artistic career Through this comprehensive report.

Information about Seyma Korkmaz

Date of Birth: December 20, 1988.
Astrological sign: Capricorn.
Age in 2020: 32 years old.
Birthplace: Eskişehir, Turkey.
Nationality: Turkish.
Religion: Muslim.
Profession: actress.
Height: 172 cm.
Weight: 55 kg.
Eye colour: blue.
Hair colour: brown.
Martial status: single.
The beginning of the artistic career: started in 2012.
Years of activity: since 2012 until now.

Seyma Korkmaz
Seyma Korkmaz

Seyma Korkmaz’s biography

Turkish actress Seyma Korkmaz was born on December 20, 1988 at the age of 32. Her astrological sign is Capricorn. The place of birth is in the city of Eskişehir in Turkey. She studied primary school in the same place of her birth, then moved to a city in the Dardanelles Strait. She studied in high school, then joined the university and studied the art of photography. She is considered a pioneer in the field of cinema in Turkey. She performed brilliant and varied roles. Seyma Korkmaz is not married, but she has a lover, the actor Junit Meta, who acted with her in the Beni Affet series as Mansour. The Turkish actress excelled Seyma Korkmaz portrayed the characters in many film and television roles.

The beginning of the career of actress Seyma Korkmaz

Turkish actress Seyma Korkmaz started her artistic career in 2012 when she participated for the first time in the series “Beni Affet”, in which she embodied the role of Farida.

Seyma Korkmaz in Casablanca

The Turkish actress Seyma Korkmaz, who was known as Farida in the series Beni Affet, arrived in Casablanca in Morocco and was received with flowers by the Moroccan fans, after being chosen at the International Film Festival to be honored at the Forum of World Cinemas in the city of Al Hoceima in northern Morocco. Seyma Korkmaz announced On her Instagram account, and during the festival, the masses stood to receive Seyma Korkmaz, who kept greeting them and waving to them. Seyma Korkmaz stated that she is eager to wander the streets of Morocco, considering that her visit to Morocco is a great opportunity to get to know the Moroccans who entered their homes through her role. In the Beni Affet series, the audience knew her as Farida.

Seyma Korkmaz husband
Seyma Korkmaz husband

Princess Lalla Latifa with Seyma Korkmaz

The Turkish artist, Seyma Korkmaz, published on her Instagram, new photos of her by some Turkish magazines, in which she appeared with the venerable Princess Lalla Latifa, mother of King Mohammed VI, after she was honored a month ago at the Al Hoceima City Festival, but this news and this was denied. The photo and that the truth is that the photo is of Seyma Korkmaz with a distinguished lady who received her at her home and is also one of her fans, and that Seyma Korkmaz has published the photo on Instagram in order to thank the Moroccan people for the good reception, hospitality and generosity, but I was surprised that a Turkish site took the photo and republished it He commented that she is the mother of King Mohammed VI, and actress Seyma Korkmaz has stated that hosting her by Princess Jalila will be the reason for her pride, but this did not happen and the picture is with one of her fans only.

Seyma Korkmaz, the star of marketing the Moroccan caftan

The Association of Hands in the city of Casablanca in Morocco organized the eighth session of the Caftan Mazagan 2019 event. Ghariba El-Gohary, president of the association and director of the festival, stated that Seyma Korkmaz will be the star of marketing the Moroccan caftan for the year 2019, due to her wide popularity among the masses.

The role of Seyma Korkmaz in Beni Affet

The Beni Affet series, or in the Turkish language, Beni Affet, is a Turkish romantic drama series that was characterized by some comedy. The series revolves around two families. The sons of these two families fall in love, but they face many difficulties and problems and with wise thinking they try to get rid of these problems and obstacles. Seyma Korkmaz loved the hero Murad Danaji. He and she dreamed of marriage, but Mourad’s father refused. The series was first broadcast in October 2011, and then broadcast in December 2018, the series was shown in Morocco in July 2019.

Participating in the series is the Turkish actor Murat Danaji, who embodies the character of Walid Kozan, the son of the Kozan family who falls in love with Farida, the Turkish actress Seyma Korkmaz, who embodies the character of Farida, an orphan girl raised by the Kozan family. The relationship because he does not love Farida and always sees that she is below the level of his son, so he expels her from the house in which she was brought up, Turkish actress Guy Turgut Evin, who embodies the character of Manar Kozan, wife of Kemal Kozan, Turkish actor Mert Eltincik, who embodies the character of Mehmet Kemal Kozan, the Turkish actress Cemiz Egderoglu as Aisha Guner, Turkish actor Ozkun Chopan as Suhail Yildirim.

Actress Seyma Korkmaz’s series

2021 Kurulus: Osman (TV Series) 2011-2018 Beni Affet (TV Series) 2015 Öyle ya da Böyle 2015 Sehrin Melekleri (TV Series) 2011 Hayata Bes Kala (TV Series)

Actress Seyma Korkmaz
Actress Seyma Korkmaz