Bergüzar Korel religion age biography her lover



Bergüzar Korel, her religion, her series, information about her, and photos

Bergüzar Korel, her full name, her religion, her age, her lover, her series, her films, her personal life, her artistic career, her husbands, the awards she received, all that we present to you through this article in a detailed report on her, as she is one of the most famous and best actresses who showed her prowess. The artist in Turkey, because of her very outstanding performance, the audience was attracted to her in a very short time because of her attractive beauty, her personality in artistic performance and her wonderful smile.


Bergüzar Korel

Bergüzar Korel Card

Bergüzar Korel was born on August 27, 1982.
Bergüzar Korel’s birthplace: Istanbul – Turkey.
Bergüzar Korel Nationality: Turkish.
Residence: Turkey.
Bergüzar Korel’s profession: Model – Actress.
Bergüzar Korel’s age: 38 years as on 2020.
Bergüzar Korel’s husband: Khaled Ergenç.
Astrological sign: Virgo.
Years of activity: She started her artistic work in 1989.

Birth and childhood of Bergüzar Korel

The wonderful actress Bergüzar Korel was born on the 27th of August 1982 in the Turkish city of Istanbul. She grew up in a large artistic family. Her father worked in the field of acting and directing, and her father, director Tango Korel, who worked in the field of art for a long time and made his name in the field of Turkish art. Her mother was the great actress Hulya Derkan, who participated in many large Turkish series and films.

The great actress had one sister, Zeinab, and she worked in many fields, as she worked in the field of designing bags in the United States of America, and also worked as a manager in one of the large hotels in Istanbul.


childhood of Bergüzar Korel

Bergüzar spent her wonderful childhood in the city of Ulus, and at the Nilufer Hattun School she spent her studies in the primary stage, she moved to Yildiz Private School to complete her secondary studies, and after finishing high school she joined to study at the Department of Acting and Theater at Mimar Sinan University of Fine Arts.

The talents of Bergüzar Korel

She has different skills besides art, as she participated in many sports competitions, especially the game of volleyball, in which she excelled, because of her length that is very suitable for this game, her length was 180 cm, and she loved dancing a lot, and she also loves to play the piano and was able to have a great skill in playing it .

She dreamed of being one of the most famous artists, and worked a lot to reach this dream, until it began to be realized since she entered the Department of Acting and Theater at Mimar Sinan University. It began to be achieved more when she graduated from the university and then entered the world of art and began participating in her first artwork in 1989. After that, offers fell on her to participate in many great works of art.

Actress Bergüzar Korel has a very distinctive look because of her very beautiful smile and her look that directly enters the hearts of the audience, which made her one of the best actresses loved by the audience in a very short time since her appearance.

The possibilities of Bergüzar Korel

Bergozar is distinguished by the great artistic performance that made her sit on the throne of art in a short time. She became one of the most famous artists in Turkey. She was able to play many very special roles, and she received many awards in honor of her wonderful artistic performance.

Bergüzar Korel’s husband and boyfriend

The beautiful actress Bergozar is distinguished by the wonderful beauty that makes many men attracted to her, but the great artist Khaled Ergenç managed to own the heart of Bergüzar.

A great love story arose between Khaled and Bergüzar, as they were working together in a series that remains love. This series caused a sensation in the artistic community in Turkey and the Arab world because of its wonderful story, and its viewership rose to millions.

The great love story succeeded in completing the marriage in 2009, and in February 2011, Bergüzar gave birth to her first son, and this child was the great gift from the wonderful love story with her husband.


Bergüzar Korel's husband

Bergüzar Korel’s acting work

The wonderful actress Bergüzar Korel shone in the world of art in India in a very amazing way, because she has all the ingredients required in an actor, where the wonderful performance and the personality that attracts the audience to her, and her very beautiful look and smile, has participated in many dramas that caused suspense in her events, The great actress entered the art world in 1989, participated in many series since that period and began writing her name in the art world because of her wonderful performance.

1989 AD
She participated in the series “Kirik Hayatlar”.
1999 AD
She participated in the series “sen olasn urgup”.
2001 AD
 participated in the series “cemalim”.
2005 AD
 participated in the series “Olive Branch”.
2006 AD
She participated in the series “emrah adak”.
She participated in the series “Valley of the Wolves”.
2009 AD
I participated in a series, and love remains.”
She participated in the movie “The Game of Destiny”.
2011 AD
 participated in the series “The Sultan’s Harem”.
2012 AD
She participated in the series “Al-Qabaday”.
2016 AD
 participated in the series “You are my country”.


Bergüzar Korel's acting work

The role of Bergüzar Korel in the series You are my homeland

The great actress participated in the series “Anta Watani”, which achieved great success. She was able to enter the hearts of many audiences because of her outstanding performance in the series with the star Khaled Ergenç. They were united by a love story that ended in marriage after the completion of this series.

You are my homeland series, its events revolve around the First Balkan War, which took place in the period from 1912 AD to 1913 AD, the events revolve around those conflicts so that Khaled Ergenç, an Ottoman soldier, could enter the Greek army and deliver all the news of the Greek army to the Turkish resistance.

The Turkish soldier meets the beautiful as Aziza, the great actress Bergüzar Korel, and the events begin to wrestle, and they live a great love story.

Because of the big series events, the series had two seasons, the first season started in 2016 and its episodes consisted of 31 episodes, and the second season was in 2018 CE and its episodes also consisted of 31 episodes, the series was dubbed into the Syrian dialect, and the series has been suspended for some time due to political reasons.

Awards received by Bergüzar Korel

Bergüzar Korel has won many big artistic awards because of her wonderful creativity in art, but she achieved a resounding success that made her the most deserving of these big awards in Turkey.

Bergüzar Korel entered the world of honor early, as she won the Golden Butterfly Award for her creativity in the series Love remains in 2006.
She was awarded the Rtgd radio televizyon Gazetecileri dernginin in 2007.
She was awarded the title of Successful Actress in 2008, as well as the Al-Abraaj School Award.

In 2012, it won the award for the best children’s program, the Lion Max Award.
She won the Best Actress Award in 2012.
She received an award from the independent newspaper because she is the best dramatic actress in 2012.
In 2013, she won the best actress in the series Al-Qabadai, and she won the Golden Butterfly Award.