The story of the Aşkın Tarifi series


The story of the series Aşkın Tarifi (Aşkın Tarifi) is one of the Turkish dramas that are close to the past and are expected to be released soon. Passionate love story recipes for the summer of 2021. We are used to Turkish dramas every summer, and the production of a large amount of interesting Turkish dramas occurs every year. In the series’ listings, there is Ashkin Tarifi’s “Prescription for Love”. Deniz Klush, the champion of the “Love Cookbook” series of competition from Kadir Doglu and Sera Aretork, is the director of Series A; kın Recipe produced by NTC Media and Mehmet Yigit Alp. Persil Cekingyi is the creative producer of the project. Series of topics written by Leila Otter and Doruk Eringul.

Aşkın Tarifi series

In a series of failures behind Turkish artist Kadir Doglu Hill, his series “Aşkın Tarifi” succeeded. We remember the actress and the series “Al Wasl”, a failure to appreciate and repeat the novel. Regardless of the fact that Qadir did a lot of work, he failed due to failure and was defeated by failure. His director works hard to promote the series of films to help match the “Recipe for Love” work. We remember the series called by Qader Al Wasl, which taught me how to love and some secrets. And other successful practices.

The story of the Aşkın Tarifi series

Furat is an easy kebab cook and wants to study for a doctorate. Love that changed the fate of his life is a lesson. Furat started the trip with frustration and took him to a French restaurant. Frat is good in French cuisine and consistently satisfies his craving. Besides, he also has a sincere love for diner Naz Swiler. By merging eastern and western foods, Furat Shiv’s fascinating eating awareness is that there is no longer a recipe for love alone.

The story of the Aşkın Tarifi series in detail

The activity of the series “Aşkın Tarifi” differs from the previous role of Kadir, where a young man named “Furat” from a remote middle-class region appeared in a promotional advertisement, preparing for a love story that he later married a girl. But he was surprised by a message from her, telling him that she would leave him to fulfill her dream. Suddenly, the girl appeared on a TV program and talked about leaving her boyfriend in the future, which added to his anger. He left his hometown and moved to a restaurant as a chef. There, he met a girl who became stubborn together to keep their place in this place so that they could succeed. Will this young man’s problem end or develop the story and events?

Heroes of the Aşkın Tarifi series story

Aşkın Tarifi This is the story of a chef who loves to cook, and lives in a very successful love story, whose girlfriend left him on the wedding day. Everyone cares about his future and success. Falling in love will he forget his biggest love and his trauma? Completes the publication and rumor of Episode 1 of Recipe Love! Love the recipe. From the NTC Media release. Released by Mehmed Yigit Alp, rival of Kadir Dogulo and Sera Arturk. It will start at 20:00 on Channel D on Monday, June 7.

Furat, the master of kebabs at the same checkpoint, would like to know the famous art director of his age, Doctor Ashk, who is manipulating his fate. Furat’s angry travel to a French restaurant. Furat, who was a good chef of French cuisine in the forefathers, reclaimed the kitchen he was passionate about; The restaurant owner meets true love thanks to the beautiful actress Naz Soyluer. Nutritionist Fırat Chef, who mixes Eastern and Western foods, will realize that Aşkın Tarifi remains one in the recipe book that will surprise everyone.

Released by NTC Media and Mehmet Yigit Alp, Director of Askin Tarif is Deniz Kolos and Creative Producer Birsel Cikinci. Written by Leila Utter and Dorok Eringöl.

Heroes of Aşkın Tarifi Askin Cem Davran, Alper Saldiran, Yasemin Bastan, Ummu Putgul, Idil Sivritepe, Atakan Yilmaz, Elif Melda Yilmaz, Mehmet Seker, Deniz Gurkan, Gokhan Nigdeli, Slim Akgul, Onur Yakici, Batuhan Bay.

Sera Areturk is the heroine of the Aşkın Tarifi series

The singer has gained wide popularity on her eponymous YouTube channel, which covers artists like Adele and Amy Winehouse. The channel has more than 90,000 subscribers. Before becoming famous, she started posting pictures of her live shows on Instagram in May 2014. One of the most popular Trivia videos on YouTube is The Weeknd & # 39; s & # 34; Starboy & # 34; Since its release in December 2016, it has received over 2 million views. My family life originated in Istanbul, Turkey. Its connection is smart and friendly with other internet networks like Sina Osire and Berkan Jovin.

Sera Arturk was born on the 22nd of June 1998 in Istanbul. He met the guitarist at the age of seven, and with the support of his family, he attended several concerts and got a chance to develop into music. Serra Arturk, who received her greatest guitar education from Hüsrev İsfendiyaroğlu, entered singing from the end of high school. The name, who started participating in Boğaziçi Jazz Choir after singing, left due to school and continued with his education.

After completing high school at Denizatı Anatolian Private High School, the famous name Acıbadem Mehmet Ali Aydınlar University won. Arıtürk, who continues his life in the Kadıköy district of Istanbul, continues to study song on the one hand. Serra Arıtürk, who became famous for various covers, then released a piece titled I Know Myself in 2019. Serra Arıtürk, a fan of Amy Winehouse, expressed this in every interview.

Heroes of the Aşkın Tarifi series story

The heroine of Aşkın Tarifi is heroes

Turkish actor and model, born in Marcin Turkey, April 19, 1982. He is the brother of the musician and model Kemal Doglu, and the lover of the beautiful Turkish star Naclihan Atagül. His artistic start was in 2010 when he played a major role in the series (Little Asrar), but his true artistic start was in 2011 In the series (Sequel). Then, following his contribution as a model in the video clip of the famous Turkish singer (Handa Yanar), 

then until now this is an example in the series (The Seven Sinisters), but soon he left him to join a huge artistic presentation on the Fox channel and show time, as he played the role of Majed in the series (Fatih Harbiye) And in February 2015 he stood on his feet by embodying the character of Jokhan in the series (The Beloved Albora), and after this in November of the same year he played the role of (Muhammad Giray Khan) in the famous historical series (Women of the Sultan).