The story of the Bir Göksu Masalı series and its screening dates



The Story of Bir Göksu Masalı

It is one of the new Turkish series that is being prepared and filmed now and has not been completed and those in charge are still working on preparing the preparations for the series. its name in Arabic is Bir Göksu Masalı’s story and in Turkish its name is Bir Göksu Masalı. and the name of the series may be changed at a later time. The team The work is stable on this name so far. and it could be called Mersin Tale. Given the location where the series is filmed.

Which company is the producer of the Bir Göksu Masalı series?

The company producing the series is Fabrika Production. and this company is known to produce the largest series and artistic works because it is interested in artistic projects and comes out in the best way. and seeks to present a strong scenario in order to present a good series to enjoy the admiration of the fans who love Turkish drama in Turkey and abroad.

The Story of Bir Göksu Masalı

Places for filming the series Hekaya Bir Göksu Masalı

Filming of the series. Göksu’s Story. has not been completed yet. and filming is taking place in many places Including the Silifke area in the province of Mersin. and this area is characterized by the presence of stunning and beautiful scenery that dazzles the eye and attracts viewing from the splendor and charm of the natural places in it. and there is the Göksu River.

The choice of these places for filming is appropriate to the nature of the series and the story of the series. and is also appropriate for the time of the series’s presentation. as it will be shown in summer. and this requires the presence of landscapes and areas suitable for the summer such as the sea and rivers to be a beautiful and fun visual presentation.

The date of the series ‘Hikaya Bir Göksu Masalı’ and its channels

It is one of the series that will be shown in the summer season 2020 and will start showing after the current Ramadan season. it begins in the first weeks of June in 2020 and it will be a long-term summer business that may extend its showing beyond the summer.

This series will be broadcast on the FOX network. and Fox screens are currently showing many Turkish series that are about to be completed. which have gained great popularity from their presentation. including the Adana TV series. called Street Children. as well as the Zero One and Ramo series. which have achieved A remarkable success since the time it was aired and it got a high viewership.

The story of the Turkish series The Story of Bir Göksu Masalı

It is a romantic social series. as most Turkish series tend to be romantic in nature. which have an audience in most of the Arab world. This series is inspired by a true love story. so the Göksu story series is a beautiful and interesting story that is different from normal business and will be a strong competitor between the series presented with it. .

The story of the series revolves around two young people. between whom a strong love story arises. and between them there is a set of struggles. difficulties and problems in life. which are an obstacle to their great love.

The heroes of the series Bir Göksu Masalı’s story

The series work team and those in charge of it choose the artists who are participating in the work. as they have not yet been identified. they are doing sessions to choose the appropriate Turkish stars to play the roles in the series. and when we get this information. we will immediately present it to you.