Information about Hazal Filiz, her religion, her husband, her series


Full name: Hazal Filiz Küçükköse
Date of birth: February 9, 1988
Age: 32 years old
Place of birth: Mersin – Turkey
Nationality: Turkish
Religion: Muslim
Marital status: divorced from 2018
Name of her ex-husband: Tuan Tonali
Weight: 50 kg
Length: 170 cm
Hair color: Black
Eye color: dark brown
Academic qualification: I studied in the Biology Department of the College of Science and Literature
University: Kirkale
Beginning of her artistic career: 2008

Hazal Filiz Birth Its Origin and Study

Hazal Filiz was born on February 9. 1988 in the Turkish city of Mersin. Her talent appeared from a young age and emerged strongly when she entered high school in the high school in Ankara. Where during this period she was presenting offers for amateurs after high school. She joined the biology department at the Faculty of Science and Arts. Kerkali University. And because of her love for acting. She began to receive lessons. In acting. To enrich her talent with science. Study and culture. In order to fulfill her dream to enter the field of acting and shine in it.

The beginning of her acting career Hazal Filiz Küçükköse

Hazal Filiz’s entry into the acting field was a pure coincidence. as one of the directors saw her pictures on her personal page on a social networking site and asked to meet her to work with her in the field of advertisements to start her artistic career as an advertising actress and soon found herself in front of the cameras lenses, and then she began looking for a good opportunity to enter The field of acting. However, did not leave her studies far from the field of acting and art. She is currently completing her studies in the field of chemistry. Her first appearance as an actress was in 2009 through the series “Denise My Country” and then appeared in the series “Kalbim Seni Seçti 2011-2012” as Ada Then she participated in the drama series “Ostura Kemal” and appeared as a guest on the Uçurum program and the EP program of Turkish pop singer Murat Boz.

Information about Hazal Filiz

Hazal Filiz Küçükköse’s Works and Roles

She participated in the role of Jordi in the series “Star of the Sea” in 2014. and in the same year she participated in the series “Forgive me”. a series that deals with community issues in a simple comic drama and revolves around two families. Whose children fall in love with the other. Facing many difficulties. Obstacles and problems that lead to the separation.

With determination will and wisdom. They get rid of all these difficulties, and Hazal played the role of “Layla” in the series. In the same year. She participated in a strong role in the series “What is Sin”. The Whose story revolves around the young doctor “Ali Youssef” who studies in the Faculty of Medicine and is trying to achieve his dream in To become a doctor and fall in love with a girl who works as a broadcaster. This girl committed a murder in defense of herself and saved her.

“Ali” and went to prison and spent five years with him and expelled him from the medical school. About him and the loss of his dream and his future The story of the series is based on the story of the Korean series The series. Starring the young actor “Sech Ken Ozdemir”. The hero of the series “Love Story.” the actress “Hazal Filiz”. The star of the Sea Star series, and the actress “Gulgan Arslan”. The heroine of the series “I Love a Girl”.

Her role in the series “Kara Sevda” and her first absolute championship

The summit of her brilliance was in 2016 when she participated in the series “Kara Sevda” in the role of “Zeynep”. The sister of the hero “Kemal” whose handsome role was played by Burak Ozgvit. The series caused her a wide fame for its broadcast in many countries other than Turkey and its dubbing in many languages. Including Arabic, and Hazal Filiz was able to play her role.

With skill in the series. She convinced everyone who saw the series of her negative role and that she loved money and love at the same time and how she became caught between the love of a man who madly loves others and her brother. The events of the series revolve around a young girl who gives up her love life for the sake of her family and after five years of separation the two lovers meet, and they seem to They are still in love. But they will not be together because she is married to a mentally ill.

There are no limits to his actions. In 2017. Her first absolute starring in a series called “Roya” or “The Dream” was unsuccessful and ended quickly and her desire to become the first star of work affected her. Because the story of the series is similar to her role in the previous series “Kara Sevda” The money-loving girl who enters the life of a businessman by accident and falls in love with her and is exposed to many situations. Problems and difficulties that separate her and her lover. so she should wait A stronger and unmatched role in her previous series.

the series “Kara Sevda”

Its role in “Black Pot” and “Light”

She participated in the series “The Black Fate from 2015 to 2017 with Ozgan Deniz. Starring“ Haluk Bilgener ”.“ Zeynep Kamse ”.“ Burak Chilik ” and his order Kenai.” The series revolves around an unloving father who has grown under exposure to physical and psychological violence, and one says His own company. Cosmetics to enlarge and appreciate from his father.

Those who earn Muhammad Karhan with his father’s honor obsessed over the suppression of femininity. In an attempt to go out with two sisters and make a chemistry teacher the only dream he wants. She participated in the role of the sultana “Malika” in the series “Fateh” in general 2018 The historical series. Which began its production in 2018 and is still continuing until now. Starring Kinan Imerzalioglu. Famous in the Arab world with the character of “Ammar Al-Kusofi”.

In the series “Tears of Roses.” the events of the series begin with the speeding up of Sultan “Muhammad” to the submission of the Janissaries to Prince “Mehmed II” and calling him the Sultan As a successor to his father. Muhammad refuses to enter the city of “Edirne” on his horse in his prestige before the honorable funeral of his father goes out. So he enters it walking on his feet. Thus gaining the respect of the people and senior statesmen. The people offer him their sincere condolences and deal with them with humility and love.

Hazal Filiz her marriage stor and an important secret in her life

Hazal Filiz got married to “Tuan Tonali” in 2014 after a love story that lasted for years. then the divorce occurred in 2018. and when the press asked her about the reason for the separation. she said: That marriage has privacy and no one has the right to interfere in her private life while after her husband. saying: that the validity of their marriage has expired She began to be haunted by rumors, and she was accused of betraying her husband with the actor. Urgenioglu.

Who co-starred with the series “Kara Sevda”. But she denounced these accusations and said that everything will appear in the trial and that everyone who knows her knows that she cannot do such a disgraceful act. The artist Hazal Filiz revealed about An important secret in her life. As she indicated that she has a twin sister named “Rose” and she resembles her very much.

Sometimes goes to photography. Velez who was a guest on one of the talk shows. Stated that she sends her sister to photograph instead of her in some scenes. as she does not like to photograph scenes in which there is crying. so her sister is sent to photograph the scene and the result is distinctive as she discovered her sister’s ingenuity in performing these scenes.

Her personal secrets and relationships

Hazal Filiz was married to Tuan Tonali in 2014 AD. after a love story that lasted for years. the divorce occurred in 2018 AD. and when journalists asked her about the reason for her separation from her husband. she told reporters that marriage is a very private institution and no one has the right to interfere in her private life. As for her husband. he responded by saying That their marriage has expired.

The press did not leave her after her ex-husband said a sentence that our marriage has expired. rumors began to haunt her. especially after she was seen in the Nishan Tash area with exposed clothes and a leather jacket that she just put on her shoulders. and she wore a black half-bottom. 

the journalists accused her of betraying her husband. which caused the divorce. but she went out She denounced those accusations a lot and said. “These accusations are invalid. and still have my position rejecting this accusation. which is inconsistent with my morals. and my upbringing in a decent family.” There is only one thing I want to say in this regard. which is that whoever knows me knows that I cannot do this disgraceful act.