Leyla Tanlar religion

Leyla Tanlar religion Boyfriend Series Husband & Bio



Leyla Tanlar

Date of birth: December 13. 1997
23 years old
Astrological Sign: Sagittarius
Place of birth: Istanbul – Turkey
Religion: Muslim
Nationality: Holds Turkish citizenship
Academic qualification: Bachelor of Media – Faculty of Mass Communication – Kush University
Height: 165 cm
Weight 48 kg
Hair color: brown
Eye color: green
Interests: Traveling – raising animals – listening to music – ballet dancing – attending horse races – attending fashion shows
Beginning of work with art: 2014.

Life Story of Leyla Tanlar

The beautiful Leyla Tanlar was born on the thirteenth of December 1997 in the capital Istanbul to a wealthy family. The father owns a car factory and the mother is from a family with a long history in Turkish political history. She received her primary education in a school called Sisli Turki. which. by the way. is a foreign school. the same as all the schools that Tanlar entered. Lily acting since childhood and attached to it was her first passion. One time a teacher noticed her imitating some movements in front of her colleagues.

So he admired her kinetic performance and chose her to enter the performance experiences of a play called “The Little Mermaid”. She showed remarkable superiority in this performance experience. which made him immediately She is joined by the staff of the play. Which was shown at the University of Kush and met with wide success. When her father came to present the play. Laila’s talent caught their attention. Sufficient for the success of the artist and the continuation of the talented artist at the top is always linked to his own development.

Leyla Tanlar’s Beginning Acting

The beginning, as we mentioned. Was with the theater. Leyla Tanlar was a lover of theatrical acting and worked for a long time before appearing on the small screen. After her work in the magic for a period. The need for actresses and actors for a new series that will be produced called “Wreck” was announced immediately. Leyla Tanlar applied to auditions for work. She passed the performance tests and got the role of a character from the series called “Jansu”.

The series was produced in 2014 and presented for three continuous seasons. and its story revolves around two wives from two different families. One of whom is the wife of a man from a wealthy and well-known family and the other is the wife of a poor man and the two wives. Each of whom was pregnant in Her last months and fate would like the two to deliver their pregnancies on the same day and in the same hospital.

Life Story of Leyla Tanlar
Life Story of Leyla Tanlar

Leyla Tanlar and her husband or boyfriend

A beautiful girl in the prime of his youth and in the prime of her life. like all girls of her generation. lives in the imagination of a romantic dreamer and draws for herself a beautiful love story that she lives with the knight of her dreams. since her childhood she was associated with a friendship relationship with the handsome Tariq Amir Tekin.

so they were studying in one school and they lived in the same neighborhood. and they had various occasions. And many family evenings. and they often went out together for hiking or shopping. as Tariq Amir Tekken helped his girlfriend Leyla Tanlar in many matters related to her studies or her personal life. which gave a large area of ​​trust between them and increased the strength of the relationship and interdependence.

Things developed to a stronger stage of friendship. which is love The lenses of the photographers took her together in more than one place and they seemed happy and harmonious. They also celebrated her birthday together and held a wonderful celebration for her in one of the nightclubs and gave her a diamond ring as a gift. but recently we announced their separation without mentioning the reasons that led to this.

Leyla Tanlar was recently seen in the company of a handsome young man Strong. close to her in features. appears with her in most places where she is present. so some rumors have emerged that she left her ex-boyfriend for this young man or that she is trying Compensating her love with a new love relationship. or she is trying to provoke the jealousy and anger of her former boyfriend and lover because he left her and broke her heart.

In the end Leyla Tanlar responded to all these rumors and denied her and said that the person who appeared with her recently is her brother called Levine. who is a young actor and a fitness trainer for that. He is constantly interested in his agility and fitness. making sure to follow a diet. eat healthy food. and always exercise.

So much about Leyla Tanlar

Leyla Tanlar. since her work in art. dreamed of spreading. fame and reaching the world. so she set a goal for herself and drew a plan to reach this goal. so the first step was the development of herself. so she traveled to the United States of America. Specifically to Los Angeles. and joined the acting department at the University of California.

Interested in her personal elegance. Appearance and highlighting her beauty on Social media and social networking sites because of the impact of these sites on the artist. its spread and fame. and it became many followers. so the number of followers on the site known as Instagram reached about two million people. and on her personal account on Twitter about one and a half million followers.

She founded a music band and some of her close friends And they released a number of successful songs. as she and her friends performed some concerts and dances. She studied directing and currently joined as an assistant director in some of the works that are being prepared for her. She started her first steps in establishing her own artistic production company with the help of her father. who always stood by her side and was keen to support her.