Merve Bulgur religion

Merve Bulgur religion, age, husband, series and biography



Merve Bulgur religion, age, husband, series and biography

the Turkish actress, Ezji in the İçimdeki Fırtına series, presented a wonderful role in the series Harem of Sultan, her relationship with the Turkish artist Murad Dalcic, her relationship with the actress Handa Erchel, her religion and whether she is a Muslim or not, her age, date of birth and astronomical sign, her husband and the reason for her separation, her series and the most prominent characters She provided, complete information about her and her personal life through this article.

Who is Merve Bulgur?

Date of birth: September 16, 1987.
Astrological Sign: Virgo.
Age in 2020: 33 years old.
Place of birth: Istanbul, Turkey.
Nationality: Turkish.
Religion: Muslim.
Profession: Actress.
Height: 164 cm.
Her husband: She married singer Murad Dalcic since (2015 until 2017).
The beginning of the career in acting: It started in 2006.
Years of activity: from 2006 until now.

Merve Bulgur’s Religion, Age and Childhood

Turkish actress Merve Bulgur was born on the sixteenth of September and that in 1987 and she is 33 years old, her astrological sign is the Virgo, she was born in Istanbul in Turkey, actress Merve Bulgur was distinguished by her beauty and attractiveness that contributed to her wide fame, she is famous for her distinctive roles Like her role in the series Harem of Sultan, her distinguished role in the İçimdeki Fırtına series.

Merve Bulgur’s husband and lover

The Turkish actress, Merve Bulgur, was associated with the Turkish actor Murad Dalcılic, and then she married him in August 2015 a distinguished wedding ceremony in which many artists, actresses, parents and relatives participated, and they also shared the details of the ceremony on various social media sites, and they lasted for two and a half years and then separated in 2017.
Merve Bulgur and Dalklich

The Turkish actress, Merve Bulgur, announced the news of her separation from her husband, the Turkish singer Murad Dalklich, after a strong love story that brought them together in a marriage that lasted two and a half years. Some Turkish websites revealed the reason for the separation of the spouses and the main reason for the divorce of Murphy and Murad. The site announced that the reason for the divorce is the presence of Murad with a group Of the girls in the house of a friend of his in an inappropriate situation, which caused many problems between Murphy and Murad and caused their sudden divorce, although many rumors were raised about the news of their divorce a year ago, but they always denied this news and this rumor came when every One of them is in his own house, and it has also been reported that the reason for the divorce is Murad’s betrayal of Murphy with her close friend Handa, but they have not confirmed this news.

Merve Bulgur and Handa Archel relationship

Turkish actress Handa Archell came out of a failed love story with Turkish businessman Mehmed Denchiz, but a Turkish newspaper blew a big surprise, a report confirming the relationship of actress Handa Archell with the famous Turkish singer Murat Dalklich, who was married to her close friend Merve Bulgur, and the newspaper indicated that the Turkish star Murad announced About his love for the Turkish actress Handa Archell, after his separation from his wife Merve Bulgur and introducing her that she is the future bride, Handa shocked her audience with the news of her official connection with Murad, who is free from her friend Murphy. Al-Dhahabi and Murad Dalclich married without regard for her friendship with Murphy.

Murat Dalcic separated from the Turkish actress Handa Archel after a relationship that lasted several months, but here came Merve Bulgur’s response to the news of the separation of her husband and close friend, saying: “Some talk from behind me and say after the separation she changed her hair color ten times, but this is better than some who He changes his lover ten times after the separation, ”the response came harsh to Murad Dalcic, after confirming his separation from actress Handa Archell and the reason was betrayal as well.

Merve Bulgur starts acting

The Turkish actress, Merve Bulgur, began her artistic career in 2006 when she first participated in the famous Turkish series “Little Witches”, and then participated in several various artistic works, and presented a wonderful role in the series Harem Al Sultan, and embodied the character of Izje in the successful Turkish series İçimdeki Fırtına, Her various artistic works followed after that, and Murphy gained wide fame, especially after her participation in the famous Turkish series Muhannad’s return, which still achieves high viewing rates, and the series was considered one of the most influential series in the media and the audience interacted with him greatly since the beginning of its presentation on Turkish and Arab screens. Also.

Merve Bulgur in İçimdeki Fırtına Series

The famous İçimdeki Fırtına series is a Turkish romantic drama series. The series revolves around two adopted sisters, Ezji and Deniz, who love each other, but their lives are turned upside down when Emre Deniz gets engaged to become enemies, and from here each of them tries to exploit what she knows about the other to overthrow her through her.

While Emre seeks revenge for his family, the Turkish actor Youssef Cem, who embodies the character Emre Khatib Deniz, the Turkish actress Merve Bulgur who embodies the character of Izji, the Turkish actress Gizem Karasa, who embodied the character of Deniz, the fiancée of Emre, the Turkish actor Burak Yamanturk, the Turkish actress Hazal Sinal Turkish actor Mehmet Ozgur, Turkish actress Sirin Benderloogo and others, the series was first broadcast on February 4, 2017, the series was dubbed into the Syrian dialect and shown on Arab screens and achieved great success.

Merve Bulgur religion
Merve Bulgur religion

Merve Bulgur Series

Turkish actress Merve Bulgur participated in her first role in the series “Little Witches”, which was scheduled to be shown in 2006, in which she embodied the character of Icejul.
She participated in the series “Black Dopey vs. Prince”, which was shown in 2006, in which she presented the character of Pergol.
The series “Love Again”, which was shown in 2007, with the character of Eulan.
She participated in the series “Ashes and Fire”, which was shown in 2009, and embodied the character of Hayal.
The series “Secrets of the Girls”, which was shown in 2010, in which he embodied the character of Ayseegol.
She participated in a distinguished role in the famous Turkish series “Muhannad’s Return”, which was shown in 2011 until 2013, in which she presented the character Zainab.
The series “The Sultan’s Harem” was presented in the character of Sultana Nurbano, which was shown in 2013 until 2014.
She participated in the series “İçimdeki Fırtına”, which was shown in 2017, in which she played a wonderful role, which is the character of Izji.

Merve Bulgur Films

She participated in a movie called “Figua” which was shown in 2007.
A movie called “Goodbye Jezzine”, which was shown in 2008 and portrayed Bahar.