Ozgurcan Cevik and Sweetheart

Ozgurcan Cevik Religion, Sweetheart, Age, TV Series, Info and Biography



Ozgurcan Cevik

a report on his personal life, his upbringing, religion, nationality, when his artistic career began, the most important works of art that he presented, and other information and a group of new and exclusive pictures of him.

Actor Ozgurcan Cevik, age, religion, other details

Ozgurcan Cevik was born on October 24, 1983, his age is now 37 years old, he was born in the city of Ankara in Istanbul, and his nationality is Turkish. His religion is currently unknown – as for height, it is 1.88 cm, weight is 80 kg, and his sign is Scorpio, his profession is a Turkish actor and his artistic career began in 2008 – until right Now.

Ozgurcan Cevik’s Beginning and Life Story

The artist Ozgurcan was born in 1983 in Istanbul, and he obtained the elementary stage from Ahmet Vivek Pasha Primary School, while the middle school studied at MEV Private Köksal Wholesale High School in Ankara, Istanbul. High school graduated from Ayrancı High School between 1998-2001.

University qualification He graduated from Hacettepe Tourism-Hotel Management University in 2001, in 2004. And the second university was Bilkent University between 2004-2009 Department of Theater Acting MSSF, and after completing his studies in the theater department he began working in the Ankara Art Theater and won the Best Actor award Assistant at the X Lions Theater Awards for his role in Partridge. In 2012, he participated in a play entitled “Tetikçi on the Bolot Theater. In 2013, he presented the Ankara Art Theater play which was in Selamün Kavlen Police Station. It was directed by Yücel Erten about a story by the author Aziz Nesin.

Ozgurcan Cevik miniseries

2008 series Dolna Home
2010 Turkan series
2013 series Thank you and Fatih Al-Harbiyya
2014 participated in the Turkish series My Mirror My Soul
2017-2018 Sevkat Yerimdar presented and was the title role
As for the 2018-2019 series, he worked in the series Gemini
Finally, in 2020, the series “Kofi Ali” will be participated, which is the artist’s latest drama

The most important films made by actor Ozgurcan Cevik

2012 movie Mountain
2013 Sevkat Yerimdar movie, and it was his first absolute starring in Turkish cinema
2015 presented the movie kevkat Yerimdar 2: Disabled in Us
2016 participated in the film Left direction
2018 movie groom team made

Awards received by Ozgurcan Cevik

2010 – 10th Lyons Theater Awards – Best Supporting Actor – Codename: Partridge
2013 – Audience Jury – Best Supporting Actor – Selamün Kavlen Outpost

Secrets of Ozgurcan Cevik

Favorite play: Ümit Aydoğdu. Favorite Singers: He likes to listen to Queen, Metallica, Ella Fitzgerald, Louis Armstrong, Frank Sinatra, Bülent Ortaçgil, Handel and Beehoven. The cities he likes: Chile, Cuba Cabana – Ankara. Favorite book: Rose’s Blood -Alper Canıgüz. Influenced Personalities: The famous Indian thinker and writer Gedo Krishnamurti. Favorite hobby: playing a musical instrument. Phrase he always used: Hello. Always stick to advice: Use your energy in moderation.

Ozgurcan Cevik and his sweetheart

The artist Ozgurcan Cevik is in a relationship with his girlfriend, Genik, and he was seen with her in one of the famous cafés in Turkey and in more than one place. He is not married and has no children. We mention that the upcoming work of the artist Ozgurcan Cevik is currently filming the series Kofi Ali for summer 2020, and this series is expected by many audiences in Turkey and the Arab world, and the series is directed by Bulent Espelen-Sereb Danesh and produced by Limon and will be shown on Fox TV screens Filming began in January 2020, with a distinguished group of Turkish stars.

Actor Ozgurcan Cevik in the series The Gemini Note

It is a Turkish series starring Özgüçan Çivik – Burak Hakki – Neher Erdogan – Bukit Dereoglu – Atilla Saral and others, a bunch of the brightest Turkish stars, it was directed by Erol Özlevi.
The Gemini series reminds us of the familiar and usual Turkish movies, as it is a story that is not new, and its story revolves around the kidnapping of two twin children, and they live a completely opposite and contradictory life, one of them lives with a rich family and in the palaces life with nannies and studies in foreign schools and finds interest and care from all The surrounding people, as for the other, he lives in a difficult life with a poor family and spends his life in paper-cut with his family, and although it is a well-known story, it is very interesting and enjoyable.

His role in the series Sevkat Yerimdar

It is a Turkish series for Love and Movement, directed by Bulent Ispilin, written by Errol Hizarsi, and produced by LIMON FİLM. The series stars Ozgogan, Esin Uçar, Cevdet Uçar (Salih Kalyon), Murat Akoyunlu – and Mert Turkoglu – Suzan Aksoy, and another group of artists. The story of the series revolves around the adventures of kevkat Yerimdar and her lover Esin Uçar, who run a small egg shop in the Balat district of Istanbul, and the artist Ozgogan plays in the series a boy from the Beşiktaş neighborhood, but he is irritable and irritable and cannot control his anger and his actions, and he is always unsound. You find him the strangest occurrences, and he faces problems all the time, and he owns a store that sells eggs in a court of thought, and yet he is distinguished by being useful to others, generous and very generous.

Ozgurcan Cevik
Ozgurcan Cevik
Ozgurcan Cevik's Beginning and Life Story
Ozgurcan Cevik’s Beginning and Life Story
Ozgurcan Cevik and Sweetheart
Ozgurcan Cevik and Sweetheart