Beren Saat

Beren Saat movies and tv shows & new Series



Beginning of her acting career as actress Beren Saat

Beren Saat is a first-row star in Turkey. after a long career in which she played a group of roles that increased her fame and popularity. as she participated in many films and television series as well as commercials for some products. which gave her great fame among the Turkish artistic community. and her first role was the heroine of the series And that was in 2005 with the series “The Story of Samar”. after which she presented many influential roles. which we will talk about extensively now through a full report on her artistic work.

Turkish actress Beren Saat artwork

In 2004. she played her first role. which was the role of Nermin in the series “Yes. there is love of death.” In 2005. she played her first starring role in the series “Love in Exile.” which was known as “Samer’s Story” directed by Jamal Shan and co-starred by Turkish actor Mohsen Kirmezigul. and in 2006 she presented the same role in the second part of the series.

At the end of 2006. she played a role in the series “Remember. My Dear.” known as “Yasmine” and co-starring the Turkish artist Gansel Ilçin and Okan Yalbek. a political series that tells about a historical period in Turkey in the years 1950-1970. in which she played the role of Yasmine and this work succeeded in Remarkable success. In 2007. she played a role in the series “European Bank.” but as a guest star in one episode of the series.

In 2008. she presented a starring role in her most famous series of all. the series “Al-Ishq Al-Mamouna”. and was co-starring with the Turkish actor. Kivanc Tatlitug. and the story of the series was taken from a Turkish novel that tells the story of a woman who lives a forbidden love story with her husband’s nephew. which embodies the role of Kivanc Tatlitug. who knew As “Muhannad” in the Arabic version. as Beren was known as “Samar”.

this series achieved great success and caused many reactions. The last episode was one of the best episodes of the series. Beren Saat’s suicide scene achieved millions of views due to her terrible performance. but despite that Success, However. the series was attacked in Turkey by the Minister of Culture and Tourism and others. but it found remarkable success in Arab countries outside Turkey. and through this series. Perrin won the Golden Butterfly Award for two years in a row.

In 2009, she presented the movie “Autumn Pain”. in which she played the role of Elena. the Greek girl. then she played the role of Giga in the movie “Wings of the Night.” and co-starred with actor Murad Analmesh. In 2010, she provided the voice of Barbie in the Turkish language in the cartoon film “Toy Story”. which achieved more revenues.
She made an advertisement for “Patos” in 2010. which made the sales of the chipsy enormous. reaching 50%. and then presented an advertisement for “Rexona” deodorant in the same year.

Fatima in the series What is the fault of Fatima Gul

At the end of 2010. she starred in the series “What is the fault of Fatima Gul”. known in the Arabic version as “Fatima” and co-starred in the series. Turkish actor Anjin Akyurek. and the story of the series is based on a movie that was produced in 1986. and this series is considered a big leap in Beren’s life He achieved record numbers in the number of views. especially the rape scene in the first episode. and this is the reason behind the campaigns against the series to stop its showing. as well as the presence of sexual scenes in the series. but the series did not stop and spread in all other countries and achieved remarkable success.

In 2012. she presented a role in the movie “Season of the Unicorn”. in which she embodied the role of Bossa. then she voiced the character Merida in Turkish in the cartoon film “The Legend of Merida”.
In late 2012. she played a role in the series “Revenge”. an American series in which she embodied the role of Yamor. and in 2013 she starred in the movie “My World” and she won the Best Actress Award for her role in this film. and in 2015 she presented a starring in the famous Turkish series “Sultana Kossim”. then she performed the voice of Scarlett’s character in the movie “Overkill’s War”. and her husband. singer Kananoglu. also participated in singing in the film.