Yusuf akgun religion, age, wife, series, information and biography


Yusuf akgun, his religion, his wife, his age, height, series, date of birth, career, life story, artistic career, most important works, and more in a comprehensive and detailed report on Yusuf akgun who presented a good number of TV series, the most famous of which is the role of Koray in Adini Feriha Koydum series, which has achieved tremendous successes, in addition to other works and plays in which he participated, and we will get to know the minutest details and information about this artist, whose works varied between comedy and drama and succeeded in each of them.

Who is Yusuf akgun?

Date of birth: September 11, 1984.
Age: 36 years.
Place of birth: Istanbul, Turkey.
Nationality: Turkish.
Religion Muslim.
Marital status: Married.
Wife’s name: Seda Attis.
Profession: Actor.
Height: 170 cm.
Hair color: black.
Eye color: brown.
Yusuf Akgün Instagram

Yusuf akgun and biography

The Turkish artist Yusuf akgun was born in Istanbul in 1984, and he had enrolled in the secondary stage in Istanbul, and remained there until he entered the university and studied theatrical acting at the university theater in the College of Fine Arts, Department of Theatrical Arts, and finished his school years until he graduated from it in 2004, and he was seeking Always reaching a golden opportunity to enter the world of art, he started in his early life as a famous TV drama actor.

Yusuf akgun starts acting

Yusuf akgun religion

Artist Yusuf akgun graduated from the university kept looking a lot for a real opportunity to enter the world of art. His artistic talents and the years in which he trained on the university theater helped him. He used to perform simple roles on the high school theater at “Tardeh School” then he played “Sandra” In Shakespeare’s dream on stage in his last year at the university, in the play “Midsummer Night” and other works, he loved acting a lot and the various trainings he attended helped him, but his first appearance in the world of art in 2004 is considered in the play “Orphans” He participated in an exceptional role, but showed his talent during this wonderful work, then other works followed him with the brightest Turkish stars in various works, until he reached the starring role in the series Adini Feriha Koydum, presenting the role of “Koray”.

The artist Yusuf akgun is a wonderful actor who is famous for his work throughout Turkish art, through a variety of roles in theater, television, as well as cinema. He appeared in more than a variety of characters, the most famous of which was the role of “Koray” in the series Adini Feriha Koydum and that was in 2011 and 2012, This is the role of fame for him, and before that he won scholarships to study in 2003 due to his superiority in the world of theater, then he graduated in 2007 and offered to present his first important and essential role for him in a short comedy series, “Korkut” in the same year of graduation. 2007, and the number of episodes of this series reaches 33 comedies, in which Yusuf akgun participated with the features of a wonderful young comedian.

Yusuf akgun in the series Adini Feriha Koydum

The artist Yusuf akgun participated in the series Adini Feriha Koydum, the body of the character “Koray”, one of the heroes of this dramatic and romantic television work, directed by “Paris Yus” and participated in acting with the artist, Shatay Olsoy and the artist Hazal Kaya. This series was shown on the Turkish Show TV channel, The events of this series revolve around a poor girl and a wealthy young man, this girl named Fariha and she is the daughter of one of the guards of an apartment building. She goes to the university to study and meets a young man from a rich and handsome family named Amir Oglu who is very attached to girls and does not fall in love. At first glance, the series has three parts, and this series has been dubbed into the Syrian dialect to be shown on television channels in the Arab world and has achieved great successes.

Yusuf akgun on “All in One”

This all-in-one series, in which the artist Yusuf akgun participated, is considered one of the best Turkish works of art, and it is produced in 2007, and it is a first-class comedy series that tells the story of four girls in one house, these girls decide to live on stage and present various shows Because each of them is distinguished by a wonderful talent, but there are many problems that these girls face and cause them great danger, in addition to dismissal from the university and all these problems happen in a very comic way.

Yusuf akgun series

The artist Yusuf akgun presented a group of the most famous television works, which varied between drama and comedy.
Among the most important of these series are the following:
The series “Balance and Maneuver,” presented in 2004.
The series kanatlar, in which he participated and the body of the character “Ozai”, in 2005.
As for the year 2007, it was a special experience for him because he entered the world of television, as he participated in two works during the year in a television series and a movie called “Si Mazen”, which achieved great success during this year.
In 2008, he was offered to participate in another TV series, the series “Darst”, as he embodied the Bugatti character.

In 2009 he became more famous, and he was shown a TV series with major stars in Turkish dramas. He participated in the series “Angels Kursun”, the personification of the character “Emre”.
In 2010, he presented a very different series, as it was a wonderful experience of motion pictures, the series “Skli Our Life”, as he played the role of “Murad” in this series.
In 2011, this year was of great importance to him because he starred in the character “Koray”, in the famous series Adini Feriha Koydum, as this series was considered the beginning for him because he was so famous for him in the Arab world.

In the following year, he presented his experience for the second time in Turkish cinema, when he participated in the movie “Paradox”, a short film that won the admiration of the audience and achieved great success and that was in 2012.
In 2015, he participated in the series Pregnant Miracles.
He also presented the series Love Me Like This, and the series Hidden Life, in the same year
Then he presented the series “All in One” and the series “Waiting”. These works are wonderful, because they varied in characters and this shows the true actor and the advanced talent.
The artist Yusuf akgun also participated in one theatrical work, the play “Orphans”, which he performed during his studies at the university theater